Recent Real Story Group Blog Entries

OK'd for FO

XSL-FO is a W3C-recommended standard for formatting XML for the printed page.

Go Ahead...Try our Portal

Vignette will now let you download and try out its Vignette Application Portal (VAP) for free.

Structured vs. Unstructured Content: A Continuum?

We have long argued that the fabled 80% of corporate content remaining unstructured across an enterprise may really turn out on deeper examination to be quite structured or at least semi-structured.

Weaving WCM into SAP

We've said before that since portal packages are often bundled into other major software platforms, they have a way of just happening around an enterprise.

Web CMS Classroom Training

In addition to our one-day, onsite seminars, CMSWatch has resumed a 2-day classroom-based offering that looks at Web content management principles, products, and practices in more depth.

Managing the "World Live Web"

That clever term, coined by Alan Searls to describe the impact of RSS, neatly sums up the power of headline syndication: it gets readers to new instead of news.

Ghosts at the AIIM Banquet (IA and Microsoft)

In its annual Expo now underway in New York City, AIIM (the Enterprise Content Management Association) has once again laid out a surprisingly sumptuous banquet of exhibitors (500+) and conference tracks (5+) for visitors.

Web Pages as Records?

How to handle web content -- especially dynamic pages -- represents one of the thornier Records Management (RM) problems facing enterprises today.

Dreaming of Workflow

In one of our dreams, we can build a highly custom CMS out of independent Java components.

Mediasurface Resurfaces

After a quick and noisy start during the Boom, Mediasurface went rather quiet for what seemed like quite a long time to us.

CrownPeak Builds a Hosted Keiretsu

Keiretsu is the Japanese term for a grouping of affiliated companies that form a tight-knit alliance to work toward each other's mutual success.

A New CMS Mailing List

In case you hadn't noticed, the longstanding CMS-List has been off-line since mid-January and it remains unclear when it will come back up. It also has suffered from the lack of an authoritative archive.

The Case Against (too much) Change?

Content management consultants will tell you that the hardest part of any CMS project typically is organizational change management.