Managing the "World Live Web"

That clever term, coined by Alan Searls to describe the impact of RSS, neatly sums up the power of headline syndication: it gets readers to "new" instead of "news." News has typically become too premasticated by PR departments to be valued by hungry Web readers looking for truly meaty information to sink their teeth into. Quite possibly the most important content on your site (public or Intranet) is the information that has recently been updated. So think RSS, because regular site visitors -- your most important clientele -- want to read the delta. Can your Web content management system give it to them...?
Check out Alan Searls' blog
(Via Phil Windley)

Other ECM & Cloud File Sharing posts

ECM Standards in Perspective

In real life I don't see ECM standards proving particularly meaningful, and you should see them as a relative benefit rather than absolute must-have.