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Battling ECM and E2.0

For the past year or so there seems to have been a battlefield of sorts emerging between proponents of social networking and all things E2.0 and the more traditional proponents of ECM

What next for Interwoven?

The announcement yesterday that Autonomy would buy Interwoven (a deal that should close in the second quarter of this year) has a number of interesting ramifications

Adobe and Alfresco

It's been a while since there was a big product announcement in the ECM world, but today's announcement by Adobe that they will be embedding Alfresco

Interwoven bows out of content component management

In an exchange with me yesterday, ECM/WCM vendor Interwoven confirmed that it no longer provides an XML-based content component management capability. (We had invited them to participate in our vendor product reviews for the forthcoming Content Component Management Report.) This came as a bit of a surprise