What's your experience using Google's enterprise tools?

I've just started new research on how Google's many enterprise tools are being used, for a new evaluation report called Google in the Enterprise.

I would be really interested in hearing from any readers that might have some experience as customers.

Today Google offers many relevant enterprise tools, and I'm not even sure that Google has the full grasp on what they offer themselves.

I plan to focus on:

  • Google as an e-mail vendor
  • Google as a web development helper
  • Google as an enterprise search vendor
  • Google as a desktop suite vendor
  • Google as an app. dev platform

If you're interested in sharing, our discussion would be entirely "on background," which means I would apply your experiences to my knowledgebase, but never indicate your name nor mention your institution in any publication.

Please contact me directly at [email protected]. Look forward to hearing from you.

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