Real training for WCM in MOSS 2007

As readers of the SharePoint chapters of our Web CMS Report and Enterprise Search Report know, there are many good online and book-length resources about MOSS 2007 in general, but almost all of them treat the platform's WCM and Search services in a fairly cursory fashion. That's too bad, because those parts of MOSS are brand new and -- customers tell us -- frequently quite puzzling, even after wading through all the Microsoft documentation and webinars.

So I was pleased when Alan pointed me to this 4-day training course exclusively about Web Publishing in MOSS. "Publishing sites" in MOSS look and behave quite differently from your typical SharePoint team sites. This kind of training is, I think, long overdue in the marketplace...

Our customers say...

"The Web CMS Research is worth every penny!"

Gil, Partner, Cancentric Solutions Inc.
iStudio Canada Inc.

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