FrontPage is dead. Long live FrontPage!

The tool that so many organizations used before they invested in a CMS or Enterprise Portal is going away. As part of the upcoming release of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, the easy-to-learn FrontPage web editor from Microsoft will slowly but surely be discontinued. According to a Spring, 2006 press release from Microsoft, Redmond will instead introduce 2 new web authoring and design tools. Symbolic that two products will replace one. Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 is prescribed for building SharePoint applications and designing SharePoint-driven portals, while Microsoft Expression Web Designer is posited for designing dynamic websites based on ASP.NET. For Microsoft this is more than just a naming exercise. For those living in the SharePoint/Web Parts world tighter integration with a SharePoint-oriented design tool may be good news. While Visual Studio remains the default tool for developers, designers and webmasters now have more options for building templates. A word of caution: a beta release is not the same quality as a final release, even if it is based on a very long beta from a very large vendor based in Redmond.

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