Expressroom Lives On...

Old CMS's never really die. From WorldWeb to Starbase to Borland -- and now owner number four: "Industrial Medium" -- the technically tantalizing but seemingly ill-fated Expressroom CMS product lives on. In a nice twist, the product's new owners at Industrial Medium are a bunch of ex-Worldweb staffers who had built the product in the first place. Hopefully, their time in the services wilderness over the past two years will prompt Industrial Medium to improve the product's funky templating system (designers hated it). This also shows that products with a decent installed base have a way of falling back into the hands of upstart integration firms to carry the torch on support and maintenance. That's why we tell people to worry less about vendor mergers and acquistions and more about the intrinsic value of the CMS tools they are considering. Decent tools don't tend to go away completely...
Read the Expressroom FAQ at Industrial Medium

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Gil, Partner, Cancentric Solutions Inc.
iStudio Canada Inc.

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