Where are the high-end .NET CM/DM packages?

At a couple of major clients recently, we puzzled over the lack of higher-end content and document management tools that would fit well into their .NET-based architectures. Sure, in the Web CMS space there are some mid-market products built on .NET, but they all require the CMS to run in the delivery tier -- something most large enterprises don't want to do (often for good reason, I've argued). Even Microsoft tools like SharePoint Portal and MCMS won't support the latest framework, .NET 2.0, until their next major release at the end of this year [Correction: MCMS supports .NET 2.0 in latest service pack]. Enterprises with Java-based architectures simply have many more choices. Or, to put it another way, if you base your technical architecture on .NET, then you'll have a fine platform for writing your own tools, but you'll also face a COTS marketplace that simply hasn't gotten on board yet with Redmond, at least where major enterprise content technologies are concerned.

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ECM Standards in Perspective

In real life I don't see ECM standards proving particularly meaningful, and you should see them as a relative benefit rather than absolute must-have.