Talk to Microsoft

Most implementations of the popular MOSS 2007 are performed by system integrators and local consulting companies, typically without Microsoft intercession. Even if you obtained SharePoint for free, I would strongly encourage a direct and regular contact with Microsoft itself.

In general keeping an open dialogue with any vendor can help you stay informed about roadmap, documentation, best practices, and other intangibles that we detail in our research. Specifically with SharePoint, the roadmap and best practices remain somewhat up in the air. You could start by contacting your sales rep, and then find a proper support contact for your project, but keep talking to Microsoft, both when your project is going well, and also if it goes sour. Large, complex, global organizations may find it easier to get attention from Microsoft, but no matter your size, I recommend that you frequently talk to directly to the SharePoint source.

Other ECM & Cloud File Sharing posts

ECM Standards in Perspective

In real life I don't see ECM standards proving particularly meaningful, and you should see them as a relative benefit rather than absolute must-have.