Stellent, Fast, and the decoupling of Search and ECM

Content management technology vendor Stellent has announced that it will support FAST as the internal search engine within its different content management tools. The move follows similar transitions by Documentum and others away from Verity to FAST. Stellent has traditionally relied heavily on Verity technology, and as CMS Report readers know, Stellent customers have often grumbled over the tightness of that coupling. I should stress that Stellent isn't dumping Verity (now owned by Autonomy) -- just that it is offering new options. This reflects a growing decoupling of ECM systems from specific enterprise search products, which should please your architects. But as always, the devil lives in the details, and support for multiple search engines could mean more configuration effort at implementation time.

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ECM Standards in Perspective

In real life I don't see ECM standards proving particularly meaningful, and you should see them as a relative benefit rather than absolute must-have.