ECM? Actually, they mostly want WCM

The ECM industry's major trade association (and all-around cheerleader), AIIM, recently polled 333 end-user attendees at its CMS seminar series. AIIM uncovered a lot of interesting data. Not surprisingly, Records Management remains paramount in the face of serious compliance challenges. But for those technology buyers seeking foremost to achieve cost savings and greater customer value, web content management rises nearly to the top of their wishlists. AIIM's survey confirms what we see everywhere: enterprises still need a ton of help simply automating their web publishing processes. There's bad news for some vendors, though, since AIIM's findings suggest buyers have sub-enterprise tier budgets...
Download an AIIM presentation on its findings

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ECM Standards in Perspective

In real life I don't see ECM standards proving particularly meaningful, and you should see them as a relative benefit rather than absolute must-have.