Another CMS Myth Debunked

So this is turning out to be a pretty good year for exposing fraud. As nearly any systems integrator will tell you (if they're being candid), one of the most egregious CMS myths of the past half-decade is that "personalization" will yield a meaningful return for major web publishers. Unless you are a massive B2C cataloger (like Amazon), implementing personalization will suck enormous resources -- in system design time, development time, ongoing editorial time, QA time, and (especially) at runtime. The results for most companies have been awful. Now comes Jupiter -- perhaps the last bastion of uncompromised reporting among the major analyst firms -- documenting with actual survey evidence what most us have already seen with our own eyes: "1-to-1" has failed...
See what the ever-perceptive David Walker has to say about the Jupiter report

Other ECM & Cloud File Sharing posts

ECM Standards in Perspective

In real life I don't see ECM standards proving particularly meaningful, and you should see them as a relative benefit rather than absolute must-have.