Market Analysis: 2014 Digital Marketing Technology Market Analysis

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In the last few years, while IT spending in other categories has remained flat or declined, marketing spending on IT has held up despite the recessionary environment. This comes as no surprise amid the rise of alternative media and digital channels, and the growing use of mobile devices as the customer gateway to commerce and content. Making sense of and exploiting the broad streams of resulting data calls for unprecedented levels of expertise as well as technology platform help.

Not surprisingly, vendors of all hues are attempting to gain major market shares of the marketing technology segment. Mergers and acquisitions are the order of the day. Unfortunately, as a customer, this means a plethora of moving parts for you, obliging you to understand both the roots of any technology as well as future roadmaps.

This briefing offers a current snapshot of the key players in the digital technology marketplace, and examines current risks and opportunities for customers amid the most important vendors.