EMC Documentum Family Tree

It seems timely to publish our EMC-Documentum family tree, as there has been a change in senior management there recently. I try not to comment too much on vendor personnel changes, since change is natural enough and people move on, but I think this one is worth an exception.

Mark Lewis is no longer in charge of Documentum at EMC. That's a big change and will clearly have repercussions, but it's unlikely the new guy (Rick Devenuti) will fare much better. For the fact of the matter is that though the broader Documentum community never really took to Lewis, it was never just about him. The Documentum community has never really taken to EMC period, and many customers believe that the Documentum product set has been ignored, under appreciated, and lost its way as part of the storage giant. 

To be sure, EMC has made considerable investments in the Documentum family, both in reengineering the platform to Version 6, and in acquiring technology to add breadth, as can be seen here in this diagram. In fact EMC remains a force in the ECM market. From a buyers' perspective EMC retains a strong channel and developer community, and the product has kept pace with the direct competition.

EMC-Documentum Family History
Click to enlarge

We will be publishing an update to our EMC-Documetum ECM evaluation within the next month detailing recent product and corporate changes. But for now enjoy the latest in our family tree series.

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