Ektron releases document management product

Ektron, long a purveyor of low-cost but rather durable web content management tools, has just released a DM product called "DMS400." It works off the same basic repository model and interface as the company's CMS tools. Ektron says it has tested the product and its native search engine against 100s of thousands of documents; we suspect it will work best against 10s of thousands of files. And we should note that the product is really optimized for managing files, rather than compound documents, though you can use .NET wizardry to extend the product. But at US$ 4k licensing (on top of their existing CMS), it shows one more example -- in addition to MS SharePoint, Xythos, and others -- that if you have simple needs you can find basic document management for a reasonable fee without resorting to a complex ECM product...

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ECM Standards in Perspective

In real life I don't see ECM standards proving particularly meaningful, and you should see them as a relative benefit rather than absolute must-have.