
Acquia CDP

Acquia DAM (Widen Collective)


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Drupal versus SharePoint

My take is that Drupal and SharePoint are really very different systems, though I can see why people compare them

Is Plone Really More Secure Than Drupal and Joomla?

Security is a touchy subject in the Web CMS world in general and very touchy in particular among open source WCXM projects, since open source platforms are frequently accused (often unfairly) of being inherently insecure by dint of their more open development models.

So it's been interesting to watch some Plone adherents contrast their platform's security profile to that of some major competitors

A One Track Mind and Drupal's scarce talent pool in Europe

Beyond the age-old debate between open source and proprietary software communities, one truism has persisted over the years: when there is one technology platform dominates in any market for any sizable period, we all suffer

Mind the Drupal Talent Shortage

I had lunch the other day with a couple of acquaintances who work at a systems integrator (SI) that does a lot of work for the federal government (a.k.a., "beltway bandit").

They pointed out that, like SharePoint of yore, Drupal was all the rage among US federal web managers under this current administration. So naturally this SI went looking for experienced Drupal talent. And could not find any

Three options for social-enabling SharePoint

SharePoint licensees seeking to deliver on the promise of social networking and more advanced collaboration applications must choose among three alternative approaches to close the gap

UGC, 2.0, and Commenting Services

Perhaps you're thinking about adding some "2.0" to your site or intranet, to obtain that great user generated content (UGC) -- but where do you start? You start with commenting, of course

Microsoft supports SharePoint WCM alternative with Orchard

An omnibus platform like SharePoint presents two challenges to Microsoft in the web publishing arena:

  1. It doesn't employ the very latest version of .NET
  2. Long update cycles means it can fall behind functionally

Neither challenge is prohibitive, but both are potentially problematic

Drupal 7 - One Small Step for Mankind

After a long wait, extended several times, Drupal 7 was released today. So what is it like, and should you rush over to download and install it right away?

Alternatives for converging website production and delivery

Of late, many WCM as well as Portal vendors are touting their capabilities for more closely aligning content management and presentation management. Frankly, I wonder what took them so long. After all, what good is content if it cannot be delivered and consumed? In my opinion