Webinar: 2014 Digital and Media Asset Management Marketplace Overview & Latest Trends

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About the Topic
Led by Real Story Group's Principal Analyst & Managing Director Theresa Regli, this webinar sheds light on the latest developments in the Brand & Digital Asset Management (DAM)and Broadcast & Media Asset Management (MAM) marketplace. Here are some of the topics we’ll discuss:

  • The DAM lifecycle continues to expand horizontally; the concept of DAM is no longer limited to the notion of managing finalized assets. Increased functionality supporting works-in-progress and asset production within DAM systems, or integration with asset production and distribution technologies, have become the norm
  • With many DAM and MAM vendors expanding their product & functional portfolios through partnerships, acquisitions, and organic growth, we’re seeing a parallel diminishing quality of vendor customer support and professional services
  • Despite the comparative maturity of the DAM industry, customers continue to struggle with foundational notions such as workflow and metadata management within DAM systems. Well-tested cloud offerings are also sparse
  • The idea of broadly functional Customer Experience Management (CXM) suites has made its way into DAM software suites, as enterprise vendors increasingly bundle marketing automation technologies with their DAM systems