Market Analysis: 2014 Market Trends for Web Content & Experience Management Systems

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Coming into 2014, the Web Content & Experience Management marketplace remains a highly active technology segment. Vendors are trying to provide not only web content management features, but also multichannel experience management under a single platform, in response to customers seeking solutions that will provide the most “bang for the buck” across channels.

Vendors differ regarding mobile in particular, where customer efforts range from mobile web-publishing-based responsive design, to the creation of hybrid and ever-more complex native apps. WCM vendors in 2014 will continue to infuse their technology with tools for marketing automation, email marketing, predictive analytics, lead scoring, as well as testing and optimization; however, larger customers tend to seek platforms that can integrate with more powerful, third-party digital marketing systems.
As a prospective WCM customer, take a multidimensional approach to identify the best fit for your individual scenarios and carefully navigate this technology marketplace. Mobile- and cloud-enabled tools remain hot topics, but recognize significant boundaries and carefully investigate how WCM technology may — or may not — help with your business goals.

Customers seeking WCM solutions face a marketplace that is divided roughly between platform- and product-oriented suppliers. Each segment carries its own set of potential risks and rewards. This briefing identifies potential problems and opportunities for all of the vendors we evaluate.