Recent Real Story Group Blog Entries

But CMS Costs Still an Issue for US Feds

US federal IT budgets continue to expand, but not evenly across departments and programs, and spending for non-security IT projects falls under unprecedented scrutiny today.

Vignette CMS plus Portal for 125k

After officially finalizing its acquisition of Epicentric, Vignette is now pushing an entry-level CMS-Portal combo for 125,000 dollars US.

ECM: Sometimes We Buy It

In an excellent critique of many ECM fallacies (check out OpinionWatch, above), Jim Howard makes a strong case for basing web content management projects around departments or even workgroups.

Stellent Puts Toe in Hosted CMS Pool

Should major CMS software vendors also provide their solution as a hosted service? None of them do right now (though some of their partners have set up ASPs).

What Do You Think About CMS Vendor Websites?

If you're a prospective software buyer, we can already guess what you think: they suck... Aussie consultant James Robertson has posted a very quick survey allowing you to review, rant, and generally rate CMS product sites.