WCXM Pitfall 5: Involving only internal stakeholders

Twelve Common Pitfalls to Avoid (and Best Practices to Follow) When Embarking on a Web Content and Experience Management Project

Pitfall 5: Involving only internal stakeholders

Best Practice:

Integrate content consumers early and often throughout the project.

The whole purpose of investing in taxonomies, search services, navigation and above all  content itself is to improve the user experience and enable content consumers to realize greater value from your offerings.

So test the likely return on your investment by including your best customers and partners in the planning and debugging of the system wherever possible. The advent of low-cost website and mobile usability methodologies calls all the more for doing this early and often.

Pitfall 1: Selecting a Web CMS package before developing solid requirements and a business case. Read the details of Pitfall 1 here.

Pitfall 2: Not getting a clear mandate from the top. Read the details of Pitfall 2 here.

Pitfall 3: Thinking a web content management package will provide a full CMS solution. Read the details of Pitfall 3 here.

Pitfall 4: Not involving internal Web CXM stakeholders from the very beginning. Read the details of Pitfall 4 here.

Pitfalls 6-12: Coming soon...

Our customers say...

"The Web CMS Research is worth every penny!"

Gil, Partner, Cancentric Solutions Inc.
iStudio Canada Inc.

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