WCXM Pitfall 3: Thinking a web content management package will provide a full CMS solution

Twelve Common Pitfalls to Avoid (and Best Practices to Follow) When Embarking on a Web Content and Experience Management Project

Pitfall 3: Thinking a web content and experience management package will provide a full CMS solution

Best Practice:

Model your existing and prospective CMS using building blocks of people, content, practices, and infrastructure.

Software is just one part of the infrastructure building block in your WCXM strategy. If your Content Management System is like most others, it will consist of 20 percent technology and 80 percent process.

This is actually good news. You can control and modify a system. You can't always control and modify packaged software as much as you would wish.

Pitfall 1: Selecting a Web CMS package before developing solid requirements and a business case. Read the details of Pitfall 1 here.

Pitfall 2: Not getting a clear mandate from the top. Read the details of Pitfall 2 here.

Pitfalls 4-12: Coming soon...

Our customers say...

"The Web CMS Research is worth every penny!"

Gil, Partner, Cancentric Solutions Inc.
iStudio Canada Inc.

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