Still V6 after all these years

Thirty months ago today I criticized Vignette for still running its older V6 CMS on its own website, a year after the company launched its V7 product and two years after acquiring a (rather nice) portal package. Well, Vignette still likes its old dog food; check out this telltale V6 URL. I guess that's good news for the scads of customers still running V6 -- the company needs to continue supporting it, if only for its own site. Vignette has claimed that it runs V7 behind the scenes, but if it's so hard for them to upgrade their public site, perhaps you can understand why so many customers also remain wary of switching. To be fair, I suspect other vendors also lag in their use of their own products, especially those with "decoupled" architectures where the CMS remains hidden behind a webserver tier. There are no simple CMS projects. How well will your vendor truly understand your implementation pains?

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