WCM Updates: Adding Liferay and New Evaluation Scenario

This week we updated RSG's Web Content & Experience Management vendor evaluation research. Subscribers will find a couple of big changes and a slew of smaller ones.

New Scenario

First, we added a new scenario to the stream: "Portal & Dashboards."  Sometimes a licensee will want to deploy a WCM platform for delivering portal- or dashboard-like experiences, typically aggregating or at least exposing content and services from other back-end environments.  We would very rarely counsel you to deploy a WCM this way, but in rare cases it makes sense.

Now, you may reply, "That sounds like a job for Portal Platform technology," and for the past decade or so, you'd be right.  But the Portal market has largely gone away.  Witness IBM selling off its venerable WebSphere franchise to HCL

We'll write more about this trend in subsequent posts, but for now, I'll say a short requiem for RSG's decade-long Enterprise Portals evaluation stream: it was fun while it lasted.  Except most Portal technology licensees would utter a different word than "fun."


We now evaluate Liferay's core offering in RSG's WCM stream, where not surprisingly, it does pretty well against the new portal use case (though kind of sketchy for some other scenarios).  Like other former portal vendors in search of a happier moniker, Liferay calls itself a "DXP."  I don't believe that category actually exists, but you'll find the key services (except commerce) evaluated most neatly in our WCM research.

RealQuadrant for WCM

WCM stream subscribers can access the new and updated evaluations in your dashboard (login required), or see how this new criterion changes your shortlist calculations via the RealQuadrant service (see screen, above).

If your firm doesn't subscribe to RSG's research, you can still download a free WCM sample evaluation.


Our customers say...

"The Web CMS Research is worth every penny!"

Gil, Partner, Cancentric Solutions Inc.
iStudio Canada Inc.

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