Is Community Management More Important Than ESN Technology?

In this round of the enterprise social debate, ESN Guru Dion Hinchcliffe I decided to go visually incognito.  Why? I had to play devil's advocate and take a "no" stand, while Dion advocated for the primacy of community management. 

But hear it out and hopefully you'll notice some important caveats on both sides.  Most notably: you should give your community managers a fighting chance with the right "fitting" technology.

Dion points out that there is much more to community management than just employee tech support, and cites research showing more than 100 high-impact examples.  You'll also hear shout-outs to community management heroes Rachel Happe and Susan Scrupski.

You can watch the entire hour on-demand here.

To find out which enterprise-social tech vendors could offer the best fit for your needs, consult RSG's "RealQuadrant" decision-support platform.

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