Updates to our ECM evaluations: Oracle, OpenText, and more

We've just updated four vendor evaluations in our in-depth Document & Records Management (ECM) stream.

If there's a key theme here, it's that the ECM industry continues to adapt to SharePoint by delivering specific, packaged applications, especially around case management.

Here's the skinny on each of the vendor evaluations we updated:

  • EVER: Struggles a bit with two different codebases, but remains popular in Europe...
  • Hyland: Continues to differentiate from SharePoint on almost everything but usability...
  • OpenText: Seeking to go up-market as Microsoft increasingly crowds it out of simpler use cases...
  • Oracle: "Return of the Database, Part 2 - The Sequel"...

Our subscribers can download the new evaluations right away.  If you do not subscribe to our research, you can obtain a complimentary excerpt here.

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ECM Standards in Perspective

In real life I don't see ECM standards proving particularly meaningful, and you should see them as a relative benefit rather than absolute must-have.