Do we need more ECM Maturity Models?

The research and consulting giant Gartner recently released a maturity model for ECM (Enterprise Content Management).  Since its release (it's an overhaul of an earlier model), I have had a number of people point out to me the similarities between it and the open source maturity model for ECM that we contribute to, called ECM3, which is now a part of MIKE2.0.

Since its launch, ECM3 has been accessed by many thousands of people, and employed enthusiastically by both end user organizations and consulting firms around the globe. It continues to be the benchmark for ECM deployments, and has the breadth and depth to be useful in even the most demanding of situations.  If you haven't already downloaded your copy of it I encourage you to do so, and if you find anything in it that you believe could be improved or expanded upon, then get involved and help us make useful changes.

The Gartner model is basically sound, if though somewhat brief; I'm sure it will be of some value to Gartner clients.  I don't know if Gartner referenced the open source model in their work, though they surely must know of it. What I do know is that it's a shame that Gartner did not simply opt to contribute to ECM3/Mike 2.0, and I'd encourage them to consider doing so in the future.

Other ECM & Cloud File Sharing posts

ECM Standards in Perspective

In real life I don't see ECM standards proving particularly meaningful, and you should see them as a relative benefit rather than absolute must-have.