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SharePoint for Digital Asset Management?

Finding a DAM to "play nicely" with SharePoint has been a stumbling block for many organizations, increasingly so as SharePoint has become commonplace within enterprise architectures

The Blurring of Enterprise Lines in DAM

But now with even SMBs adopting cloud-based DAMs containing hundreds of thousands of assets numbering in the dozens of terabytes, deployment strategy has become more important than the rather arbitrary term "enterprise"

Microsoft and Yammer....Why? Why Now?

People are tripping over themselves to explain why this makes sense, but to me, it's a big shocker, and speaks volumes about what's happening -- or not happening -- in Redmond right now

Multiple Portals or One Single Portal?

In the good old days, when your firm's Enterprise Portal was a "gateway to the world," the thinking was that you needed to standardize on one single Portal platform, and perhaps even on single enterprise portal instance.

However, as we all know, that's not really very practical (both for technical and organizational reasons), and multiple portal platforms have always proliferated within organizations

Should you go with a Portal or Web CMS?

This is the most common question that my colleagues and I encounter from our customers who are in the process of evaluating options for building a web property.

The reason is not difficult to find.

SharePoint exposes lack of information management commitment

Last week we ran the SharePoint Symposium in Washington DC and kicked off the two-day event with a question to the audience.  What single word best describes "SharePoint" to you?  The preponderance of negative answers thrown out surprised us

Death of the Intranet

Intranets are dead. Long live the Digital Workplace!

OK, this is partly an argument about labels, but labels matter. What most employees understand as their "intranet" -- updates from corporate communications, some HR forms, and a mountain of outdated docs -- is increasingly irrelevant

SharePoint Conference Day One - steady as she goes

As an industry analyst, I get invited to "special" vendor events that provide access to selected executives and product team members. These sessions are carefully choreographed, but usually entail many useful nuggets, including a few surprises. This year's SharePoint Conference found no real surprises or big-bang announcements, but at some level this speaks to the continuing maturation of SharePoint 2010 in the marketplace

From Vignette to Microsoft - Web Content Management Orthodoxy

Below is an excerpt from an interview I had with with Australian journalist David Walker. I thought it worth re-publishing here too. In a wide ranging chat undertaken whilst I was grumpy and jetlagged we discussed amongst other things Interwoven (now Autonomy soon to be HP), Vignette (OpenText), and Microsoft