Analyzing the analysts

CMS Watch evaluates vendors for a living. But what if we turned our gaze on our own predictions?

Well, our recent predictions for 2008 reminded me that a year ago, we made 12 similar forecasts for 2007. Let's look back to see how we did.

  1. Google de-googles its appliance - Nope
  2. AJAX UI backlash - Sort of
  3. Web managers embracing the delete key - Definitely
  4. She's got the power: the web marketing manager ascendant - Not yet
  5. Website simulations finally arrive - No
  6. Falling seat prices - Yes
  7. Taking a second look at your repository - Yes
  8. Rediscovery of workflow - Sort of
  9. Portal platforms will diversify - Yes
  10. Portal dashboards meet standards - Sort of
  11. Long live (lightweight) SOA - Not yet
  12. You will need to explain Text Mining - Not Yet

That's 5.5 out of 12. Or, to use a baseball expression, we're batting .458. Nice stats for a lead-off hitter, but not so great for an analyst firm.

I think we'll do better for 2008, but who knows? Technology innovation has its own logic. We'll be sure to come back in a year and hopefully turn our current check-minus rating into a better score... ;-)

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"The Web CMS Research is worth every penny!"

Gil, Partner, Cancentric Solutions Inc.
iStudio Canada Inc.

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